Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ms Melanocyte's Biggest Day!

17th August 2008 was marked down in Rozilawati's history (our research associate) since on that fateful day,she was blissfully wedded to her beau...Abg Boy. It was a beautiful ceremony and Dr Adibah had the opportunity to attend the kenduri..Don't worry K.Rozi,all of us will crash your kenduri at Abg Boy's side. Warmest and heartiest greetings from all of us in TCERG team. We are so happy for you k.Rozi! Doa dari kami, cepat2 dapat anak.


On the 5-6 August 2008, CEPP has successfully organized the 1st International Conference on Biotechnology for the Wellness Industry 2008. ICBWI was held in PWTC, Kuala Lumpur.
6 research associates from TCERG participated in the conference and concurrently competed in the poster competition: Rozi, Husna, Rohana, Atul, Madihah and Azura. This is our first trial ever and eventhough we didn't manage to grab any award, the experience itself was enriching enough. Our head of research team, Dr Adibah was also invited as a speaker.Her topic was 'The Return of Fermented Food'. Kudos to CEPP. Hoping to join this conference again in years to come.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

2nd Malaysia Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Scientific Meeting (2nd MTERMS)

On the 22nd to 23rd July 2008, the five of us attended the 2nd MTERMS.
Kudos to CEPP for sponsoring husna, ana, azura and madihah.

It was successfully organized by TESMA and HUKM,

held in Auditorium HUKM, Kuala Lumpur.

Participants and speakers from all over the world attended the conference.
For few of us, it was the first conference ever attended where the topics discussed were so related to our research background.
Among the topics discussed were stem cells therapies, bioreactors and biomaterials and tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. A new division for regenerative medicine was introduced: herbal therapy in regenerative medicine.

We also had the opportunity to visit the Tissue Engineering Lab in HUKM.
Thanks to Mohd Adha who gladly briefed us throughout the tour.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Teh's Profile

Hello everyone, i’m Teh, the new member of Tissue and Cell Engineering Research Group. I’ll complete my PSM under supervision of Dr. Adibah and help and teaching from Kak Rozilawati. Below are my profile:

Name: Teh Liam Chee

Age: 22 years old

Year and Course: 4 SKB (Chemical-Bioprocess Engineering)

3 things I can’t live without: Computer, food and mobile phone.

PSM Title: Designing a high antioxidant separator using activated carbon

Choosing this area of research study:

For me, research is one of the best ways to find the answer of an uncertainty. When you get the negative result, you will keep thinking of the reason that make you fail. When you get a positive result, you will keep thinking a better way to improve your things. Cosmetic, is an area that I have a lot of interest in it. It is not only related to beauty, but a person’s health, appearance, and confidence. A better cosmetic product can give a better lifestyle to people. That is why I have chosen the above PSM title.

Looking ahead/Life after undergraduate study:

If there is a chance, I wish to continue to involve in Research and Development area for cosmetic products. Maybe one day, I will develop my own brand of cosmetic product? Who knows? Hehehe.... ;P


どうぞ よろしく (Nice to meet you all

Thursday, August 7, 2008

trip to pekan nanas, pontian