Thursday, September 18, 2008

Story Telling...

Opening Ceremony..

Name: Mohd Iqram bin Fauzi

Age: 23 years young

Qualification: Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Bioprocess), University Teknologi Malaysia

Job Title: Research Associates

Employer: Department of Chemical Engineering (Bioprocess)

What drives me in my work/ research?

Dealing with bioreactor is still new in the industry these days. Frankly speaking, we still lack of Malaysian that hold a specialize title in bioreactor. Well, let me be the one that contribute to the development of bioreactor industry…hahahaha

To start with, the spirit to pursue my study came from my sister and lovely family… reaching the magnificent land of UTM….again…came the second booster when the rumors of handling cell culture is hard and fussy struck my ears….naah…now, with the experience I gain in 2 months time, I’m proud to say that it is not that difficult to handle cell culture with the success of productive cell growth and NO CONTAMINATION..!!! hahahaha..

Growing cells just like holding a long lasting relationship.. All u need is just good communication, patient, and crystal clear understanding about your partner (cell..i mean) .. hihihihi…

3 things I can’t live without: ENTERTAINMENT, FOOD, FRIENDS

Post graduate study

I want to make use of my research to the world.. One World One Dream..!!


Choosing this area of research study

I love doing technical things...looking at the bioreactor with all the wire remind me of playing LEGO during my childhood..muahaha.... the best thing is…never think complicated until you try it..

My research

‘Production of Immunoglubulin G Antibody in Jacketed Stirr Tank Bioreactor’. The cell used to produce this antibody is PAP-7, a kind of hybridoma cells. We are trying to scale up the production of this antibody in stir tank type bioreactor. :) Thanks to Dr. Adibah for selecting the topic that suite with me..

The best bits

Actually, I don’t know yet...hihihi :)
As far as I know, the new discovery that I did with my friend, selecting the best healthy PAP-7 cell is to get it from the left-over inside the base of the flask.. the good one is attached to the flask, the bad one suspended all over the medium.

My work

In the early stage, I’ve been provided with the basic knowledge of cell culture, including handling cells with aseptic technique, cell counting, cryo-preserve cells, subculture and medium preparation. The best achievement so far is having my own PAP-7 growth curve…huhuhu..I’m looking forward to work with Stirr Tank Bioreactor in the next semester.

Looking ahead/ life after postgraduate study

I hope to continue my work at the doctoral level…if the fortune is not there, I’d love to work in the research and development area somewhere in this world where I can share the knowledge together..

My advice

'you are not born to be alone in this world'…thanks to all the senior sisters (since we have no senior brothers in TCERG)...for all the food especially, the knowledge, the laugh, the emotional moment that we shared together…seek knowledge from others, although if you are not destine to be together, they surely can give some inspiration to you…

1 comment:

F A Abdul Majid, PhD said...

I am impress too with your ( credit to Hassan too) effort to recover the cells...thats' what we call the art of knowing your stuff well.

I am yet to see your best bit, suprise me!!!!your lego maybe...